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Seen in the Bog: Week of March 17, 2024

Writer's picture: Emma FlickingerEmma Flickinger

Updated: May 30, 2024

Seen in the Bog

Look up! Pussy willows are here—the first blossoms of spring. When I walked the path this week, they were flowering on several trees along the boardwalk.

A view of pussy willow blossoms.
Pussy willows as seen from the boardwalk.
A magnified view of pussy willow blossoms.
A closer look at the catkins.

The March wind was bracing (some might say "freezing cold"), and it was loud, but not loud enough to obscure the sounds of blackbirds singing, ducks calling, goldfinches chirping, and grackles grackling. I heard a single sandhill crane call as it flew overhead.

The bog shrubs do provide good cover from the wind—enough cover to pause and crouch down for a closer look. Some plants were just poking above the waterline. The young moss was a rich, wet green.

A view of moss in the bog, taken from ground height.
Kneel on the boardwalk and you'll be rewarded with the beautiful sight of moss. Take it in.

A horsetail plant poking out of the water
A horsetail shoot emerges from the bog.

Seen Around the Bog

In the marsh, mallards foraged in the frigid water. They were joined by a pair of Canada geese. The geese had left their calling cards on the boardwalk... watch where you step. Blackbirds abounded.

A view of the marsh with dry, dead cattails and the sky reflected in the water. Two Canada geese are visible in the water.
Canada geese, hanging out in the marsh with some ducks (not pictured)

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