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28478 W. Brandenburg Rd.
Ingleside, IL 60041
Are you an Educator?
As you probably know, Volo Bog State Natural Area is an amazing place to learn! With guided tours of Volo Bog and 16 other educational programs as well as supporting materials, we are an extension of your classroom.
Please visit us at for complete program descriptions.
Field Trip Registration is done by phone only - call us at 815-344-1294
Before your visit, please click on Volo Bog Activity Guide.
Check out our educational resources (literally!).
Want to bring the discovery of nature to your students? 12 trunks available for up to two weeks each! Phone Volo Bog at (815) 344-1294 to reserve yours today.
Take a peek in each when you visit Volo Bog in person or visit to see a
complete description and contents of each trunk. Trunks available at Volo Bog are listed below.
Most trunks include correlations to Illinois Learning Standards.

Aquatic Illinois
Grades 5-9

Illinois Birds
Grades PK-9

Illinois Fossils
Grades 7-10

Insects & Spiders
Grades PK—6

Illinois Prairies
Grades K—8

Illinois State Symbols
Grades K—6

Illinois Trees
Grades PK - 10

Illinois Wild Mammals Grades PK - 8

Illinois Wetlands
Grades K - 10

People & Animals from Illinois’ Past PK - 6


4 R's Recycling*
All of the above were developed by IDNR except those marked *