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28478 W. Brandenburg Rd.
Ingleside, IL 60041

Volunteer and Make a Difference
Volunteers contribute in numerous ways to the programming and public relations at Volo Bog State Natural Area and Moraine Hills/McHenry Dam State Park.
A park needs all the friends it can get! Some of our members also have time to contribute as volunteers but this is not required for membership.
Volunteers for us (the Friends):
Serve on our board
Serve on committees such as scholarship or grants.
Help with special events
Represent us at Outreach Events
Serve as Webmaster
Assist with Social Media
Operate our gift shop
Some of our members also volunteer for parks through IDNR. At Volo Bog State Natural Area and Moraine Hills/McHenry Dam State Park these positions include:
Docents in the Nature Center
Roving Naturalists
Naturalist Guides
Bird Walk Leaders
Bluebird Monitors
Native Gardeners
Youth Program Naturalists
Many volunteers from the sites are members of the Friends of Volo Bog or the Friends of Moraine Hills State Park but membership is not required - the two groups are separate.
What will you gain from your experience(s)?:
Training experience
Leadership skills
Being part of an amazing community and much more.